
26 October 2022


Financial inclusion in Uganda is low, and almost one third of the rural population has no access to financial services. Through aBi Finance IFU assists in providing more small-scale farmers with financial services, improving the ability for people to grow their businesses and improve their livelihood. Watch the video and learn more about our impact in Uganda!

In Uganda, the agricultural sector is imperative for development as it accounts for more than 70 per cent of total employment and 60 per cent of the country’s export earnings. But the growth potential is hampered by lack of access to financial services, not least for small farmers in rural areas.

To improve financial services and financial inclusion in Uganda, Denmark’s development cooperation, Danida, more than 12 years ago established aBi Finance, which is providing funding for agribusiness through lines of credit and agriculture loan guarantees to financial institutions.

To take aBi Finance to the next level, IFU and the European Union have invested USD 18 million as equity in aBi Finance.

To get more insight in how it works and benefits small-scale farmers, like Mr. Kasumba Taded, in Uganda, you can watch the video.