IFU has a clear objective to contribute to sustainable development. This is implemented through a number of measures during the investment process. To strengthen this work, IFU joined a number of international principles for impact investors in April 2019.
The so-called Operating Principles for Impact Management provide the framework for the investors’ work to ensure development impact. Today, the nine principles are widely recognized, and more than 100 impact investors have committed not only to live up to them, but also to report on how the work is progressing.
First Disclosure Statement made public
IFU now publishes its first so-called Disclosure Statement on its work with development impact within the nine principles for impact management. It provides an insight into the development that IFU is currently going through to improve the development impact of our work – and not least documentation of the effects.
The annual reporting includes a description of IFU’s new impact management system, how we work with environmental and social risks in the investments, and how we measure the results in order to document them.