Brazil has been hit hard by COVID-19 with over 21 million positive cases and an economy heavily affected by the pandemic. Therefore, European Energy, in collaboration with several Brazilian municipalities, has launched a COVID-19 assistance program in the areas where European Energy is active in Brazil with renewable energy projects. IFU has provided financial support for the program, which is active for the remainder of 2021. The programme takes place in the Brazilian province of Pernambuco.
“We want to make a positive difference in the areas where we develop our renewable energy projects. Brazil has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we have seen an obvious opportunity to give back to the local community.”
Jens-Peter Zink, Senior Vice President of European Energy.
The COVID-19 aid program consists of 1,100 households selected by the local Brazilian authorities receiving face masks, sanitizing alcohol and food in five rounds from August to December in 2021. A total of 26,400 face masks will be delivered, 4,500 liters of rubbing alcohol, 4,500 packets of food and 18,000 pieces of soap. In addition, there will be brochures with instructions on how to best avoid being infected with COVID-19.
“In general, developing countries have been hit the hardest by the corona pandemic. This also applies to Brazil. We are therefore pleased that through our special corona pool we can provide financial support for the efforts that now help people to deal with the consequences and give them the opportunity to protect themselves against the continued risk of infection,” said Mikkel Kallesøe, Vice President for Sustainability and Impact at IFU.
The total financing of the aid program is DKK 890,000, of which European Energy accounts for 40 percent, while IFU accounts for 60 percent.
European Energy is in the process of developing and building three wind farms in the area. The wind turbine projects are Ouro Branco I and II as well as Quatro Ventos with a total of 94.5 MW energy capacity. European Energy expects the projects to be connected to the electricity grid by the end of 2022.