The Arab Investment Fund (AIF) offers advice and risk capital to Danish companies wishing to set up business in North Africa and the Middle East.
Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan and Iraq are open for investments, and in these countries AIF stands ready to assist with advisory services from our experienced team of investment managers in Copenhagen and our regional office in Cairo.
Risk capital is offered on commercial terms in the form of share capital, loans and guarantees.
AIF can participate in the establishment of new companies, in joint ventures with Danish and local partners or in mergers and acquisitions.
Offers full advisory services
AIF offers a range of advisory services such as evaluation of business plans, investment country legislation, local business climate and culture as well as providing easier access to local authorities, relevant accountants, lawyers and trade organisations, etc.
We provide advice in the preparation phase, in connection with the establishment, and until the company is fully consolidated. Through representation on the board of the company set up in the investment country, AIF also contributes with our know-how and experience during operation.
Built on IFU’s 40 years of experience
AIF is established in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IFU – Investment fund for developing countries. The purpose is to support the economic and commercial development in North Africa and the Middle East, while at the same time easing the access for Danish companies into the region.
IFU is fund manager for AIF. Thereby AIF can draw upon IFU’s more than 40 years of experience in setting up business in 85 developing countries worldwide.
In North Africa and the Middle East, IFU has carried out 31 investments in cooperation with Danish companies such as FLSmidth, A. P. Møller-Mærsk, Aalborg Portland, Rezidor Hotels, Aller Aqua Group, Helnan Hotels and Orana.
For more information, please contact Anders Paludan-Müller, head of IFU’s regional office in Cairo, tel +20 2 2739 6500 or