
1 January 2002


The Industrialization Fund for Developing Countries (IFU) participated in 25 new commercial projects in 2001 together with Danish companies- an increase of three projects over last year.

The capital invested in the projects amounts to DKK 2,1 billions. Of this, IFU has contributed DKK 244 millions.

The investments are dispersed over 13 countries worldwide.

China and India account for six and three projects, respectively. In each of the countries Zimbabwe, Brazil, Vietnam and Ghana IFU co-financed 2 projects.

Furthermore, investments have been made in new projects in Central America, Chile, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Panama, South Africa and Uganda.

The average subscription of share capital and loans for a project represented DKK 10 millions.

IFU has also made investments in 16 projects, in which the Fund was already co-investor – so-called follow-up investments. These investments amounted to DKK 108 millions.

IFU has thus mobilised financing for new and active projects that represent a total investment of DKK 352 millions in 2001.

Africa and China
IFU still has strong focus on promoting investments – and thus general economic and social development – in Africa. In this connection, the co-operation with DANIDA and the PS-program within Danida have been of great importance, because it helps to draw attention of Danish companies to the investment possibilities in a number of African countries.

This year, IFU will establish a regional office in South Africa that replaces the existing office in Harare, Zimbabwe. The office will continue to cover the Southern Africa. IFU has also decided to increase the promotion of Danish investments in China, so it not only benefits the prospering towns along the coast, but also benefits China’s poor and western hinterland areas. IFU will increase the staff at the regional office in Beijing, and the number of advisors with specific knowledge of project possibilities in the Western part of China

“In the light of the global recession in 2001, it is gratifying to see that IFU in 2001 noted that the investments in the developing countries still has a significant interest to Danish industry and trade. However, the recession must be expected to have an influence on IFU’s investment activities in 2002”, says the Fund’s managing director Sven Riskær.

For further information please contact

Managing Director Sven Riskær.
Tel.: 33 63 75 01