
21 February 2017


Denmark is working to support Indonesia in the “Indonesian Energy Revolution” increasing electricity production and promoting climate friendly technologies. The Danish Climate Investment Fund shared experiences from investments in a number of developing countries when a large Indonesian delegation visited Denmark.

In a government-to-government programme, Denmark and Indonesia have decided to work together on developing and implementing Indonesia’s so-called “Indonesian Energy Revolution”. The demand for electricity in Indonesia is increasing rapidly and the ambition of the Indonesian government is that a large share of new installed capacity should be based on renewable energy. Being one of the leading countries in the world integrating renewable energy into the national power supply, Denmark hosted an Indonesian delegation wishing to learn more about Danish technology and experience.

The trip to Denmark was organised by Danish Energy Agency and the Danish Embassy in Jakarta, and the visiting delegation consisted of representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), the national electricity company PLN, the National Energy Council (NEC) and representatives from the Indonesian governmental authorities and industry.

Included in the programme was a meeting at House of Green, where selected Danish companies and IFU had the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and share experiences of interest to the delegation.

IFU presented the Danish Climate Investment Fund

IFU presented how the Danish Climate Investment Fund, managed by IFU, provides risk capital and advice for climate investments or climate-related projects in developing countries and emerging markets. The Danish Climate Investment Fund co-finances projects which are commercially viable and with a Danish interest either in the form of a Danish investor or the use of Danish technology or services.

Two of the investments presented were Lake Turkana Wind Power, which is increasing Kenya’s electricity production by 15 per cent by installing 365 wind turbines and an energy efficiency project in Malaysia, where the Danish company Danish Energy Efficiency Partners offers tailor-made solutions for reducing energy consumption in large buildings.

These examples could serve as inspiration to the Indonesian government’s ambition, which is to reduce GHG emissions with almost one third by 2030 and make sure that 25 per cent of the energy production will come from new and renewable energy sources.

– At our meeting, we emphasised that a way forward for Indonesia to reach its targets could be to create partnerships with Danish players working together to the benefit of all, said Reik Haahr Müller, VP Climate Investments at IFU.